Fallout 4 (Xbox One, PS4, PC) Since players will take control of a new protagonist that actually saw the world before the war happened, Fallout 4 will have an ongoing theme of emotional loss.

Fallout 4 launches on November 10 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Bethesda also confirmed that the Creation Kit (for modding) will launch early next year for free on PC and that these creations will also be playable on PS4 and Xbox One. Bethsoft has said in the past that the game will last up to 400 hours to beat, and we've recently broken down how Fallout 4's new perk and skill system works. Fallout Shelter, a mobile game where you tasked with building and maintaining a society underground as the all-seeing Overseer Fallout 4 is slated to release on Novemfor Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. Its more of a criticism of why World War 2 is the main theme when it comes to weapons, particularly in Fallout 4.Fallout 4 is due for release November 10 on Xbox One, PS4 and PC and it looks like the franchise could be expanded further. I don't mean it as a criticism of any of the mods featured or the video itself, I enjoyed seeing them all. Am I wrong for thinking this or does something not add up. Am I expected to believe that weapons development using physical bullets simply ceased World War 2? That can't be right as it does explain guns such as Assault Carbine, based on the M16 of our time made from the 1960s onwards, or in Fallout 2 the P90, a gun from the 90s in our time, I understand there is obviously a divide in the history between our world and the world of Fallout but I don't think it accounts for something like this.

So then why does bethesda in particular seem to have an obsession with them? The world ends in 2077 which is an additional 50 years from our time, in that time I'd imagine guns from this era to be even more rare. like in our world, in or time they're reliques and arn't all too common, especially in military. I've never really understood why there are so many World War 2 guns in any fallout game.