In 2E 560, however, the Argonians unleashed the Knahaten Flu to free Black Marsh of outsiders, which ended up running rampant through Elsweyr as well. The province was founded in the year 2E 309 and was named after a Khajiit proverb that said: “the perfect society is always elsewhere.” The province was a big step for the Khajiit, who before then had lived in tribalistic feudalism that was stamped out with the establishment of the unified government. The Khajiit hail from the province of Elsweyr, which lies on the southern border of Tamriel. The History of Elsweyr in The Elder Scrolls

RELATED: Fast Food Employees Perform Hilarious Real Life Skyrim During Shift The Khajiit are a very unique race in the series that boasts a colorful culture and history, and that have spawned countless memes amongst the Elder Scrolls community to show for it. Another popular option that many Elder Scrolls players take advantage of is the cat-folk Khajiit. The Elder Scrolls features ten base races that vary from the more standard to the more fantastical, like Elder Scrolls‘ iconic Argonian race of lizard people. The first choice that players make in any Elder Scrolls title, however, is what race they want to play as. For players who really want to try and immerse themselves in the land of Tamriel, they can also roleplay their characters, drawing from the detailed cultures, history, and lore that is baked into every Elder Scrolls experience. The choices that players make in an Elder Scrolls title enable their playthrough to be wholly theirs with its own emergent stories to discover, and incredible moments to experience.

Players can choose how to approach any situation in the game, what weapons, spells, and skills they want to use, and which factions they wish to align themselves with. Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls series is all about player choice.